1. Connect to the AC power source via the back panel connector and the USB cable to the USB port on your computer. The guest operating system will recognize the new HID-compliant device (Eclipse 384).
2. Download and install the Eclipse 384 software control panel from support/downloads This will enable you to control your device from your computer and select all necessary settings.
3. Open your control panel by double-clicking the icon and follow the device activation procedure.
4. Connect your choice of inputs and outputs to Eclipse 384.
Note: Make sure your device has the most recent firmware installed. Check this by selecting the Options panel and clicking on the Firmware Update button. See picture:
Windows 10
Windows 10 needs a few tweaks to get the Eclipse 384 up and running:
1. Right-click the speaker icon in the system tray and choose ‘Open Sound settings’.
2. Make sure the Zen Studio is chosen under 'Output' and 'Input': • Under 'Output', the device should be listed as Eclipse 384 USB Audio Driver Playback'. Note that this choice means you will only hear computer audio from the microphone's headphone output. If you use another audio device for listening, choose that one instead. • Under 'Input', the device should be listed as Eclipse 384 USB Audio Driver Recording 1/2'.
3. Click 'Device Properties' under 'Output'. Then, click 'Additional Device Properties'.
4. Enter the ‘Supported Formats’ tab and place checkmarks next to all the available sample rates except 32kHz.
5. Enter the ‘Enhancements’ tab and disable all enhancements.
6. Back in Sound settings, click 'Device Properties' under 'Input'. Then, click 'Additional Device Properties'. Enter the 'Enhancements' tab and disable all enhancements. Click 'OK' to close the window.
• If you are experiencing interruptions or failure when using your DAW and trying to playback audio from your OS at the same time, make sure that the device sample rate matches the one of your DAW session.
• In some cases, disabling the ‘Exclusive mode’ functionality from the ‘Advanced’ tabs might help when running multiple playback applications at the same time.
• Disabling the 32kHz sample rate isn’t mandatory, but it might help in general.
For further instructions and optimization please refer to this guide: Windows 10 Optimization
Mac OS
Configuring for macOS (10.14 and later) The security settings in macOS (10.14 and later) may result in no input signal reaching your DAW, despite having everything set up correctly.
These steps apply when you are using the Eclipse 384 in a DAW for the first time.
1. Launch your DAW and choose Eclipse 384 as the input device. The following dialog box will appear (if using Ableton Live 10 Suite, for example):
2. Click 'OK' and your DAW should function normally.
However, if the events above did not occur for some reason, or you are using multiple DAWs, you must do a manual tweak for each in 'Security & Privacy' settings:
Click the 'Apple' symbol and choose 'System Preferences'. Head to the 'Security & Privacy' settings menu
Then Click the 'Privacy' tab. In the column on the left, choose ‘Microphone’. Make sure there's a checkmark next to any DAW you want to use.
You may have to click the padlock symbol in the bottom left corner and enter your password to make changes.
If you are using macOS Big Sur follow this guide to install Antelope Unified driver correctly.
How to install Antelope Unified Driver on MacOS Big Sur and M1 computers.
Please refer to this Playlist with video guidance on how to set up your Antelope Audio interface.
DAW setup with Antelope Devices
This guide shows how to set up your DAW with your Antelope device
Please follow one of the videos below for your desired DAW:
Guide for ProTools
Guide for Ableton Live 10
Guide for Studio One
Guide for Logic Pro X
Guide for Cubase 10
Routing, Tracking, and Monitoring
This video tutorial explains in-depth how to route, track and monitor with Zen Tour Synergy Core, Orion Studio Synergy Core, Galaxy 32 Synergy Core, Galaxy 64 Synergy Core, Goliath HD Gen 3, Orion 32+ Gen3, and Orion 32HD Gen 3 and all related legacy devices.